When buying a new piece of furniture it is important to make sure that it is the right size and proportion for the room it will live in.

1. Dimension
Make a note of the dimensions on our website.
Measure the heights and the widths of door accesses, hallways as well as the entry clearance. Check that all widths and diagonal depths of furniture are less than the entry dimensions. If the item needs to be taken up stairs, consider the clearance area directly above the stairs. Shallow ceilings may make manoeuvring large furniture difficult. It is important to consider additional factors such as light fittings and radiators, and any pictures should be taken off the walls.

2. Map It Out
Visualise how the furniture will fit in the room.
Map out your new piece of furniture with either newspaper or masking tape in the position you would ideally like the item to live.

3. Create Space
Make Sure you have enough space to walk around the piece of furniture.
If you’re measuring for a bed it’s important to leave enough room to easily move around the sides, If you are buying a piece of furniture that has drawers, doors or chairs, you’ll need to ensure you have enough space either side when the draws, doors and chairs are open ot pulled out.